Home 9 Board Games 9 Heroclix

HeroClix is a tactical combat game where you put heroes and villains from your favorite comics, movies and TV shows in head to head combat. 

Build a time with a team of heroes (or not so heroic) miniatures and face off against your oppoent as you take turns moving, using special abilities and attacking.

Use the terrain to your advantage with tons of customizable maps with items that can enhance your team!

Where to start

The easiest place to start is to pick up one of the 2 player start sets that come out with most sets. This will give you everything you need to play a simplified game as well as allow you to graduate to the full version of the game once you get the basics down.

What's Next?

Once you have your team down you can begin to add models from booster bricks. Those are packs of random characters. Each one will have a point value on it and you will use this to build your team to the size of the game you wish to play. 300 or 500 are the most common. This allows each player to have a relatively evenly matched team.


Join the Community

Still need help? Join us for one of our events on Sundays in Fayeteville. Our playgroup is friendly and always willing to help a new player get into the hobby

Once you have the basics down start playing in our tournaments as special events. Examples for this are the pre-release sealed events where you buy booster bricks then build a team with only what is inside those boosters. Hone your skills and then join in on the ROC state championship.